Why We Should Spend More Time Thinking Than Rushing.

Most times we waste our effort on things that weren’t thought through properly. Here’s how you can solve that

It is easy to change your ways right after a revelation or truth is exposed to you. Then the question is, why then do we still have bad people all around us when all we hear as we put on our radios every morning is ‘change?’

We attend churches every week but find ourselves repeating the same sin we just prayed for mercy over. We attend seminars, sit at conferences but are still stuck in the same place year after year. 

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What more could be purer than a white Thursday?


Walking out on a cold Thursday morning, actually running out to a lecture I had to get to in less than 10 minutes. Checking my watch for the time on one hand and adjusting my books, on the other hand, I made a pact and was determined to get to my lecture hall in 7 minutes. It seemed almost impossible to accomplish as the average walk to the lecture hall was 15 minutes but Oghale had determination and was going to break a record. YAY. 

Continue reading “WHITE THURSDAY”