Have you turned yourself into a limited liability? Read on to find out

Personally, I have limited myself in a lot of ways. I had a list of limitations. A long list of things I hadn’t achieved because I was ‘limited’. For example, my excuse for not being consistent on my blog or not having my dream YouTube channel is that I don’t own a laptop and proper types of equipment. And so, even when I see potential in my skill and myself, I result in being a limited liability.

Get it?

On so many occasions, we build up walls of excuses that sometimes blind us from seeing alternatives. We have restricted ourselves from getting to that height we so want to reach because we feel like, without the proper tools, it’s unachievable. But that’s a lie we tell ourselves each time.
Right, it’s possible that we are limited by the things we have and don’t have, by the places we find ourselves and by the circumstances that surround us BUT, hear this (or read this), We have the power to Choose that notwithstanding our limitations, we will NOT become liabilities. It’s a choice, it all depends on what we do.
In this context, from an English dictionary, a liability is A HANDICAP THAT HOLDS SOMETHING BACK. How interesting it is, to figure out that some of us have been living as handicaps, holding back our skills, talents, knowledge, and much more from the world, from ourselves. I was once a victim. But from this moment, I choose to be an asset to myself and my world even if I may be limited in one way or the other. I’ve made the choice that would help me make productive advancements in life. What about you?

Happy New month to you all. Please like share and comment. Much love


Author: Olori Oghale

I am Oghale A seasoned writer, speaker, and personal coach, passionate about individuals on a journey of self, vision, purpose, and dream actualization. Through storytelling, personal experiences, and working principles, I expose realistic yet relatable concepts, propelling YOU to achieve your goals and desires.

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